Where we come from
Saclà, Famiglia Italiana dal 1939

It was 1939 when Secondo Ercole and his wife Piera Campanella had a simple idea that nobody else had thought of at the time. Secondo knew that Asti, in the Tanaro valley (Piedmont region, Northern Italy) was a great garden, and he took the glut of fresh produce from the local countryside and preserved it, so that it could be enjoyed all year round when fresh vegetables were no longer available, maintaining their authentic taste.

These are the years of the economic boom when Saclà introduced packed pitted olives first and became a pioneer with the revolutionary twist-off jar closures for pickles, an innovation brought to Italy from America by Lorenzo Ercole, son of Secondo and Piero, today President of the company and Cavaliere del Lavoro.

Saclà olives, Antipasti in oil and pickles vegetables became true icons in the 70s, when the
company broke through on TV becoming one of the main protagonists of the Carosello, the first
Italian advertising format. Unforgettable the famous jingle: "Olivolì, Olivolà, Olive Saclà!"

The 80s brought to light important innovations: pesto and pasta sauces, which interpret and enrich
the best Italian gastronomic tradition with the typical style of Saclà recipes.

After the Italian success, Saclà started exporting the excellence of authentic Italian food, combining the high level of product innovation with the creativity of the Italian cuisine. The first subsidiaries are opened in Great Britain (since 1991), France (since 1995) and Germany (since 1999).

Saclà continues to innovate and expand its pasta sauces range, transforming the sun-ripened Italian cherry tomatoes into marvelous sauces, bite by bite. Now the company has achieved international presence in over 60 markets, with a net of distributors and partners all over the world, and in 2011 another subsidiary is opened on another continent (USA).

Saclà continues to grow and the new site of Castello di Annone (Asti) is opened.
Today it is the main warehouse with 16.200 pallet spaces; in the next years we'll continue the development of the site with the building of additional 26.500mq of covered space and the transferring of all the production and labeling lines (one production line is already installed and working).

Saclà has remained a family-owned company being managed today by the second and third generations of the Ercole family (in the picture Chiara Ercole, Vice-President and daughter of Lorenzo): their passion and love for authentic Italian food remains the driving force behind technological advancement and new product innovation.